Video Demonstrations

Single Rapier

Spanish single rapier exhibition assault Escuela de Tauromaquia, Alcalá de Guadaira. MAA Instructors Antone Blair and Cecil Longino, Andalusia, Spain 2010.

Fencing demonstrations from Salle Saint-George during the 2016 Concours d'Escrime. A fencing tournament between Salle Saint-George and The Renaissance Fencing Club. Spanish Rapier Exhibition Assault begins at 2:41 into the clip

Circling with a Partner. From the instructional DVD, La Verdadera Destreza: The True Art and Skill of Spanish Swordsmanship.

This is a sample clip from the ISMAC 10th Anniversary DVD featuring Maestro Ramón Martínez's A Practical Approach to Spanish Rapier.

Spanish sword exhibition assault, Salle Saint-Georges

Tactical considerations after the blade has been deflected.

Attacker initiates, the adversary responds with an opposition, the attacker then attempts to subjugate. The adversary counters with another opposition, the attacker then escapes from the opposition, deflects the blade, and cuts to the face.

Using the adversary’s strong atajo as an impetus to throw a cut that turns into a thrust.

Subjugating the adversary’s weapon in the middle of his time and cutting to the face.

A possible counter to the adversarys' attack.

Rapier & Dagger

On September 20th, The Martinez Academy of Arms and its affiliate schools hosted an Academia at Kingsley House in New Orleans. Spanish rapier and dagger assault between Maestros Blair and Longino begins 2:32 into the clip

Spanish rapier & dagger exhibition assault for Escuela de Tauromaquia, Alcalá de Guadaira. MAA Instructors Antone Blair and Jared Kirby, Andalusia, Spain 2010.

Spanish single rapier vs rapier & dagger exhibition assault for Escuela de Tauromaquia, Alcalá de Guadaira. MAA Instructors Jared Kirby and Cecil Longino, Andalusia, Spain 2010.

Fencing on the circle with the rapier and dagger. From the instructional DVD, La Verdadera Destreza: The True Art and Skill of Spanish Swordsmanship.

Espada y Daga applications. From the instructional DVD, La Verdadera Destreza: The True Art and Skill of Spanish Swordsmanship.

Desvio by Extrano with Dagger Offensive. From the instructional DVD, La Verdadera Destreza: The True Art and Skill of Spanish Swordsmanship.

Rapier & Cloak

Spanish rapier & cloak exhibition assault for Escuela de Tauromaquia, Alcalá de Guadaira. MAA Instructors Jared Kirby and Cecil Longino, Andalusia, Spain 2010.

Knife and Unarmed

Maestros Ramón Martínez, Jeannette Acosta-Martínez, and James Loriega demonstrate how the concept of "subjugation" can be applied to the single rapier, rapier & dagger, navaja (knife), and unarmed from a fencer's perspective.


Maestro Acosta-Martínez and Provost Kirby demonstrating how the cross-parry could be applied to unarmed.

Spanish Rapier Versus Italian Rapier

Tactical choice of inviting the attack from the Italian fencer in order to hit them on their recovery.

As before, we are utilizing the same tactical choice of inviting the attack from the Italian fencer. As the Spanish rapier fencer is taller with more reach, he does not need to wait until the recovery of the Italian fencer. He can execute his response, and strike before the Italian fencer can recover.

A possible response by the Spanish rapier fencer to the attack in quarta from the Italian. This is followed by the same possible response to the attack in prima from the Italian. We are using the Italian terms for the hand positions for the benefit of the Italian rapier fencers.

Possible defense by the Spanish rapier fencer, by manipulating the measure on the parry, against a single feint attack above the sword by the Italian fencer.